i am not a robot captcha


As an AI language model, I can suggest some content for an "I am not a robot" CAPTCHA (Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart). CAPTCHAs are used to verify that the user is a human and not a bot or automated script. The content should be designed to be simple for humans to understand but challenging for automated systems to solve. Here's an example:

1. CAPTCHA Type: Image Selection
Description: Select all the images that contain a specific object.
Content: "Please select all images that contain a traffic light."

2. CAPTCHA Type: Text Recognition
Description: Type the characters shown in the image.
Content: "Enter the characters displayed in the image below: [IMAGE]"

3. CAPTCHA Type: Mathematical Challenge
Description: Solve a simple math problem.
Content: "What is the result of 8 + 3?"

4. CAPTCHA Type: Checkbox
Description: Check the box to confirm you are not a robot.
Content: "Check the box to verify that you are not a robot."

5. CAPTCHA Type: Slider Puzzle
Description: Slide the puzzle pieces to complete the image.
Content: "Slide the pieces to complete the puzzle and verify you are human."

6. CAPTCHA Type: Audio Challenge
Description: Listen to the audio and type the numbers or words you hear.
Content: "Listen to the audio and enter the numbers or words you hear."

7. CAPTCHA Type: Color Identification
Description: Select the correct color from a list.
Content: "What color is the sky? Select the correct option from the list."

Remember, the primary purpose of a CAPTCHA is to be user-friendly for humans while being difficult for bots to solve. The content should be straightforward and easily understandable to ensure a positive user experience.